Uniwersytet Ślaski w Katowicach - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Anthropology of Migration (Antropologia migracji) W6-AK-S1-1AM
Wykład (W) semestr letni 2021/2022

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 15
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)

Brettell C., Anthropology and Migration; Essays on Transnationalism, Ethnicity, and Identity, Walnut Creek, Lanham, New York, Oxford 2003.

Brettell C. B., Hollifield (ed.), Migration Theory. Talking Across Disciplines, New York, London 2015.

Carmel E., Lenner K., Paul R., Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration, Cheltenham, Northampton 2021.

Duszczyk M., Pochocka M., Pszczółka D., Relations between Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe, London-Ney York 2020.

Kraler A., Kofman E., Kohli M., Schmoll C., Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration, Amsterdam 2011.

Metody i kryteria oceniania:

During the exam, the student is questioned to verify his/her knowledge of the lectures' content. The assessment will depend on the degree of covering the topic and the overall value of the substantive speech by student (the grading scale 5.0-2.0).

Zakres tematów:

One of the important aims of the classes (lectures and seminars) is to introduce the theory of migration and to show it [migration] as a cultural phenomenon with all its sources, consequences and various (multiple/different) dimensions. The lectures, by using selected examples, should show migration from the demographic, historical, social, economic, political and cultural perspectives. The lecture topics include both past and present manifestations of migration, as well as factors that determinate decisions to migrate. The classes allow to learn and get to know the basic concepts of migration and its interpretations - especially from an anthropological perspective. Students have the opportunity to learn about the basic concepts and types of migration (for example categories such as: migrant, foreigner, refugee); The course aims to demonstrate and explain the relationship between mobility and changes in cultural and identity dimensions, and the migration’s importance for economy and politics. The aim is to show mobility as an integral part of the human condition and to develop the ability to analyze, among other things, the contemporary migration phenomena from an anthropological perspective. Concluding, the lectures include following issues:

- Introduction to the subject matter.

- History of scientific interest in migration processes.

- Basic terms of migration studies.

- Theoretical conceptions of migration processes and methodology.

- Outline of the history of migration.

- The scale of contemporary migration.

- Social, cultural, psychological, political and economic factors and consequences of migration – so-called push and pull factors.

- The migration phenomena in the perspective of cultural anthropology.

- Changeability, processing, hybridity of migrants' identity.

- Gender and the migrations.

- Diasporas.

Metody dydaktyczne:

A series of lectures on migration

Grupy zajęciowe

zobacz na planie zajęć

Grupa Termin(y) Prowadzący Miejsca Liczba osób w grupie / limit miejsc Akcje
1 każdy wtorek, 12:15 - 13:00, sala Zajęcia zdalne
Grzegorz Studnicki 5/ szczegóły
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